PVData C++
shared_vector models const-ness like shared_ptr. A equivalent of 'const std::vector<E>' is 'const shared_vector<const E>'. However, it is also possible to have 'const shared_vector<E>' analogous to 'E* const' and 'shared_vector<const E>' which is analogous to 'const E*'.
Copying a shared_vector, by construction or assignment, does not copy its contents. Modifications to one such "copy" effect all associated shared_vector instances.
std::vector::reserve(N) has no effect if N<=std::vector::capacity(). However, like resize(), shared_vector<E>::reserve() has the side effect of always calling make_unique().
Mutating methods insert(), erase(), shrink_to_fit(), emplace(), and emplace_back() are not implemented.
shared_vector does not model an allocator which is bound to the object. Therefore the get_allocator() method and the allocator_type typedef are not provided.
The assign() method and the related constructor are not implemented at this time.
The comparison operators '>', '>=', '<=', and '<' are not implemented at this time.
shared_vector has additional constructors from raw pointers and shared_ptr s.
Implicit casting is not allowed. Instead use const_shared_vector_cast()/freeze()/thaw() (Value const-ness and shared_vector) to casting between 'T' and 'const T'. Use static_shared_vector_cast() to cast between void and non-void (same const-ness).
To facilitate safe modification the methods unique() and make_unique() are provided.
The slice() method selects a sub-set of the shared_vector.
The low level accessors dataPtr(), dataOffset(), dataCount(), and dataTotal().