import sys
import logging
import inspect
from functools import wraps, partial
_log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
from .wrapper import Value, Type
from .nt import NTURI
from .client.raw import RemoteError
from .server import DynamicProvider
from .server.raw import SharedPV
from .util import ThreadedWorkQueue, WorkQueue, Full, Empty
__all__ = [
[docs]def rpc(rtype=None):
"""Decorator marks a method for export.
:param type: Specifies which :py:class:`Type` this method will return.
The return type (rtype) must be one of:
- An instance of :py:class:`p4p.Type`
- None, in which case the method must return a :py:class:`p4p.Value`
- One of the NT helper classes (eg :py:class:`p4p.nt.NTScalar`).
- A list or tuple used to construct a :py:class:`p4p.Type`.
Exported methods raise an :py:class:`Exception` to indicate an error to the remote caller.
:py:class:`RemoteError` may be raised to send a specific message describing the error condition.
>>> class Example(object):
def add(self, lhs, rhs):
return {'value':float(lhs)+flost(rhs)}
wrap = None
if rtype is None or isinstance(rtype, Type):
elif isinstance(type, (list, tuple)):
rtype = Type(rtype)
elif hasattr(rtype, 'type'): # eg. one of the NT* helper classes
wrap = rtype.wrap
rtype = rtype.type
raise TypeError("Not supported")
def wrapper(fn):
if wrap is not None:
orig = fn
def wrapper2(*args, **kws):
return wrap(orig(*args, **kws))
fn = wrapper2
fn._reply_Type = rtype
return fn
return wrapper
[docs]def rpccall(pvname, request=None, rtype=None):
"""Decorator marks a client proxy method.
:param str pvname: The PV name, which will be formated using the 'format' argument of the proxy class constructor.
:param request: A pvRequest string or :py:class:`p4p.Value` passed to eg. :py:meth:`p4p.client.thread.Context.rpc`.
The method to be decorated must have all keyword arguments,
where the keywords are type code strings or :class:`~p4p.Type`.
def wrapper(fn):
fn._call_PV = pvname
fn._call_Request = request
fn._reply_Type = rtype
return fn
return wrapper
class RPCDispatcherBase(DynamicProvider):
def __init__(self, queue, target=None, channels=set(), name=None):
DynamicProvider.__init__(self, name, self) # we are our own Handler
self.queue = queue = target
self.channels = set(channels) = name
self.__pv = SharedPV(
handler=self, # no per-channel state, and only RPC used, so only need on PV
initial=Value(Type([])), # we don't support get/put/monitor, so use empty struct
M = self.methods = {}
for name, mem in inspect.getmembers(target):
if not hasattr(mem, '_reply_Type'):
M[name] = mem
def getMethodNameArgs(self, request):
raise NotImplementedError("Sub-class must implement getMethodName")
# sub-class needs to extract method name from request
# return 'name', {'var':'val'}
def testChannel(self, name):
_log.debug("Test RPC channel %s = %s", name, name in self.channels)
return name in self.channels
def makeChannel(self, name, src):
if self.testChannel(name):
_log.debug("Open RPC channel %s", name)
return self.__pv # no per-channel tracking needed
_log.warn("Ignore RPC channel %s", name)
def rpc(self, pv, op):
_log.debug("RPC call %s", op)
self.queue.push(partial(self._handle, op))
except Full:
_log.warn("RPC call queue overflow")
op.done(error="Too many concurrent RPC calls")
def _handle(self, op):
request = op.value()
name, args = self.getMethodNameArgs(request)
fn = self.methods[name]
rtype = fn._reply_Type
R = fn(**args)
if not isinstance(R, Value):
R = Value(rtype, R)
_log.exception("Error encoding %s as %s", R, rtype)
op.done(error="Error encoding reply")
_log.debug("RPC reply %s -> %r", request, R)
except RemoteError as e:
_log.debug("RPC reply %s -> error: %s", request, e)
_log.exception("Error handling RPC %s", request)
op.done(error="Error handling RPC")
[docs]class NTURIDispatcher(RPCDispatcherBase):
"""RPC dispatcher using NTURI (a al. eget)
Method names are prefixed with a fixed string.
>>> queue = WorkQueue()
>>> class Summer(object):
@rpc([('result', 'i')])
def add(self, a=None, b=None):
return {'result': int(a)+int(b)}
>>> installProvider("arbitrary", NTURIDispatcher(queue, target=Summer(), prefix="pv:prefix:"))
Making a call with the CLI 'eget' utility::
$ eget -s pv:prefix:add -a a=1 -a b=2
int result 3
:param queue WorkQueue: A WorkQueue to which RPC calls will be added
:param prefix str: PV name prefix used by RPC methods
:param target: The object which has the RPC calls
def __init__(self, queue, prefix=None, **kws):
RPCDispatcherBase.__init__(self, queue, **kws)
self.prefix = prefix
self.methods = dict([(prefix + meth, fn) for meth, fn in self.methods.items()])
self.channels = set(self.methods.keys())
_log.debug('NTURI methods: %s', ', '.join(self.channels))
def getMethodNameArgs(self, request):
# {'schema':'pva', 'path':'pvname', 'query':{'var':'val', ...}}
return request.path, dict(request.query.items())
# legecy for MASAR only
# do not use in new code
class MASARDispatcher(RPCDispatcherBase):
def __init__(self, queue, **kws):
RPCDispatcherBase.__init__(self, queue, **kws)
_log.debug("MASAR pv %s methods %s", self.channels, self.methods)
def getMethodNameArgs(self, request):
# all through a single PV, method name in request
# {'function':'rpcname', 'name':['name', ...], 'value':['val', ...]}
return request.function, dict(zip(request.get('name', []), request.get('value', [])))
[docs]def quickRPCServer(provider, prefix, target,
useenv=True, conf=None, isolate=False):
"""Run an RPC server in the current thread
Calls are handled sequentially, and always in the current thread, if workers=1 (the default).
If workers>1 then calls are handled concurrently by a pool of worker threads.
Requires NTURI style argument encoding.
:param str provider: A provider name. Must be unique in this process.
:param str prefix: PV name prefix. Along with method names, must be globally unique.
:param target: The object which is exporting methods. (use the :func:`rpc` decorator)
:param int maxsize: Number of pending RPC calls to be queued.
:param int workers: Number of worker threads (default 1)
:param useenv: Passed to :class:`~p4p.server.Server`
:param conf: Passed to :class:`~p4p.server.Server`
:param isolate: Passed to :class:`~p4p.server.Server`
from p4p.server import Server
import time
queue = ThreadedWorkQueue(maxsize=maxsize, workers=workers)
provider = NTURIDispatcher(queue, target=target, prefix=prefix, name=provider)
threads = []
server = Server(providers=[provider], useenv=useenv, conf=conf, isolate=isolate)
with server, queue:
while True:
[docs]class RPCProxyBase(object):
"""Base class for automatically generated proxy classes
context = None
"The Context provided on construction"
format = None
"The tuple/dict used to format ('%' operator) PV name strings."
timeout = 3.0
"Timeout of RPC calls in seconds"
authority = ''
"Authority string sent with NTURI requests"
throw = True
"Whether call errors raise an exception, or return it"
scheme = None # set to override automatic
def _wrapMethod(K, V):
pv, req = V._call_PV, V._call_Request
if sys.version_info >= (3, 0):
S = inspect.getfullargspec(V)
keywords = S.varkw
S = inspect.getargspec(V)
keywords = S.keywords
if S.varargs is not None or keywords is not None:
raise TypeError("vararg not supported for proxy method %s" % K)
if len(S.args) != len(S.defaults):
raise TypeError("proxy method %s must specify types for all arguments" % K)
NT = NTURI(zip(S.args, S.defaults))
except Exception as e:
raise TypeError("%s : failed to build method from %s, %s" % (e, S.args, S.defaults))
def mcall(self, *args, **kws):
pvname = pv % self.format
uri = NT.wrap(pvname, args, kws, scheme=self.scheme or, authority=self.authority)
except Exception as e:
raise ValueError("Unable to wrap %s %s as %s (%s)" % (args, kws, NT, e))
return self.context.rpc(pvname, uri, request=req, timeout=self.timeout, throw=self.throw)
return mcall
[docs]def rpcproxy(spec):
"""Decorator to enable this class to proxy RPC client calls
The decorated class constructor takes two additional arguments,
`context=` is required to be a :class:`~p4p.client.thread.Context`.
`format`= can be a string, tuple, or dictionary and is applied
to PV name strings given to :py:func:`rpcall`.
Other arguments are passed to the user class constructor. ::
class MyProxy(object):
def add(lhs='d', rhs='d'):
ctxt = Context('pva')
proxy = MyProxy(context=ctxt, format="tst:") # evaluates "%s:add"%"tst:"
The decorated class will be a sub-class of the provided class and :class:`RPCProxyBase`.
# inject our ctor first so we don't have to worry about super() non-sense.
def _proxyinit(self, context=None, format={}, **kws):
assert context is not None, context
self.context = context
self.format = format
spec.__init__(self, **kws)
obj = {'__init__': _proxyinit}
for K, V in inspect.getmembers(spec, lambda M: hasattr(M, '_call_PV')):
obj[K] = _wrapMethod(K, V)
return type(spec.__name__, (RPCProxyBase, spec), obj)